About Us
いけばな 桂古流・桂流 Katsura-Koryu/Katsura-Ryu School of Ikebana
Let's learn Ikebana in English!
Our school can teach you traditional, modern, and contemporary flower art.
ギャラリー Gallery
- 2014年流展出品作品(後ろの掛け軸は3世華叟氏の肖像画) Traditional-style work exhibited at the School Exhibition in 2014 (The picture on the back is a portrait of 3rd headmaster "Kaso") in 2014
- 宗家伝承専華『葉蘭一様活け』 "One-leaf special work" (this style is only allowed for the headmaster)
- 2007年日本いけばな芸術協会展出品作品 Modern-style work exhibited at the Exhibition of the Japan Ikebana Art Association in 2007
新着情報 What's New
- 2024/12/25 InformationinformationInstagramをご覧下さいPlease visit my Instagram site!
- 2024/11/24 Exhibitionexhibitionご来場ありがとうございましたThank you very much for coming our exhibition!
- 2024/10/8 ExhibitionexhibitionInformationinformation当流展覧会を開催します!Our school exhibition will be held from November 2 to 4 at Omiya Reiboc Hall