プライバシーポリシー Privacy Policy
Our school establishes the following “Privacy Policy” and strives for rigorous management to prevent leakage, misuse, alteration, and other issues related to the personal information provided by you, making every effort to ensure that our website can be used with confidence.
プライバシーポリシーの適用範囲 Scope of Application of Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies only to the WEB (https://ikebana-sugita.com/).
個人情報とは What is Personal Information
Personal information refers to information that can identify you personally, such as an address, name, phone number, email address, etc., sent to us by you via the internet.
個人情報の収集 Collection of Personal Information
個人情報のご提供を希望されない場合は、皆様自身のご判断により、提供しないことが可能です。この場合、当流のウェブサイトにおけるサービスをご利用になれない場合があります。When our school collects personal information via the internet, we provide information on the purpose and method of collection based on your judgment. If you do not wish to provide personal information, it is possible to refrain from doing so at your discretion. In such cases, you may not use the services on our website.
個人情報の利用について Use of Personal Information
個人情報を皆様の同意なく皆様にお知らせした収集目的以外で利用することはありません。The personal information provided by you will be used within the scope of the collection purpose that has been notified to you. Personal information will not be used for purposes other than those for which it was collected without your consent.
個人情報の第三者への開示について Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
Our school will not disclose the personal information provided by you to third parties. However, this is not the case if one of the following conditions applies:
- 皆様の同意がある場合
- 当流と機密保持契約を締結している協力企業、提携会社および業務委託会社に対して、皆様に明示した収集目的を実施すべく個人情報を開示する必要がある場合
- 皆様個人を識別できない統計的なデータとして利用する場合
- 人の生命、身体および財産等に対する差し迫った危険があり、緊急の必要があると認められる場合
- 法令等により提供を求められた場合
- When there is your consent.
- When it is necessary to disclose personal information to cooperation companies, affiliated companies, and business outsourcing companies that have entered into confidentiality agreements with our school in order to achieve the collection purposes explicitly informed you.
- When using personal information as statistical data that cannot identify you personally.
- When there is an imminent danger to human life, body, property, etc., and urgent action is deemed necessary.
- When required to provide information by laws or regulations, etc.
個人情報の照会・訂正・削除について Inquiries, Corrections, and Deletion of Personal Information
For inquiries about your personal information or requests for correction or deletion in case of inaccuracies, please contact us through the inquiry form. After confirming that the request is made by yourself, we will disclose, correct, or delete your personal information within a reasonable period.
クッキー(Cookie)の利用 Use of Cookies
皆様はクッキー(Cookie)を受け取ったときに通知されるように、またクッキー(Cookie)が送信されないようにブラウザを設定することができます。Our school may use cookies to collect information. Cookies are small amounts of data sent from web servers and stored on a computer’s hard drive via an internet browser. Cookies themselves do not contain information about you or your email address. However, when you provide our school with personal information, the communication terminal, such as a computer, used by you when accessing our website is identified. Nevertheless, it is not possible to obtain data from your hard drive, email address, or individual identification information using cookies. You can configure their browsers to be notified when they receive cookies or to prevent cookies from being sent.
アクセスログについて Access Logs
To understand your usage trends, our school collects access logs. Access logs collect items such as IP addresses, browser types, domain names, access frequencies, referrer URLs, and page views. However, personal information collected is not used in conjunction with these logs.
個人情報の管理 Management of Personal Information
Personal information collected from you is rigorously managed by the managers of each website, and appropriate measures are taken to prevent leakage, misuse, alteration, and other issues.
プライバシーポリシーの改訂について Revisions to the Privacy Policy
Our school periodically reviews and improves the services on our website. Accordingly, the content of the privacy policy may be changed. In the case of significant changes, the revised content will be posted on this page, so please check our website’s privacy policy and understand it accordingly.